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Remove Pavement Markings with the Help of Our Team

When the needs of your business change, sometimes you have to put down new pavement markings to improve parking solutions and traffic flow. In cases like these, you’ll want to remove old markings to make way for the new ones and prevent motorist confusion. In cases like these, you want to hire a team of professionals to thoroughly remove any striping or other markings you no longer need. At S & S Striping and Signage, we have a variety of ways to strip concrete and asphalt surfaces. We can also help you reconfigure the space to promote more efficient parking solutions. Contact our team today to discuss our pavement marking removal techniques and the project you need to have completed.

Vehicle with striping and signage instrument

Utilizing a Variety of Methods for Pavement Marking Removal

At S & S Striping and Signage, we use a variety of methods for pavement marking removal on your property. The choice of which method to use is ultimately up to you, but certain circumstances may make one a better option over another. We’ll help guide you in your decision based on the final outcome you’re hoping to enjoy. We use all of the following removal methods.


Using the most up-to-date grinding heads, our team can grind away existing pavement markings or create channels for the installation of thermoplastic or 3M tape. Our advanced equipment increases productivity and gives you a smooth, clean surface.


Using forcibly propelled sand particles, sandblasting is one of the least invasive methods for stripping old markings off the pavement. However, it should be noted that it is not the cleanest way to do so, as the process can create a lot of dust.

Bead blasting

Similar to sandblasting, bead blasting uses propelled beads to strip concrete of old markings, without creating dust. This option is perfect for parking garages or concrete lots with high traffic areas.

Discuss Your Options Today

If you are looking to reconfigure your parking lot, call S & S Striping for help on the best methods to do so. We can evaluate your space and determine how we can improve the layout to allow for better parking and traffic low. Then we’ll remove any old markings and install new ones. Contact us today to discuss the options for your Denver, CO parking lot.

Covering Colorado One Stripe At A Time